Year Long Access to On Demand Mental Health Insights and Earn Professional Development Units

MHAGC Webinars Online
2/1/2025 - 2/1/2026


$59 per person for one year access to on demand webinars and the replay of the 6 for 6 MH Speaker Series and PDU's for Educators.

Event Details

Enhance your knowledge and skills with a one-year access to the on-demand mental health webinars and replays of the impactful 6 for 6 Mental Health Educational Series, featuring renowned special speakers. Dive into critical topics surrounding adolescent mental health and gain valuable strategies to support students, families, and communities. Participants will earn professional development units and have access to flexible, on-demand learning making this an invaluable resource for educators and professionals committed to fostering mental well-being in their schools and communities.


Additional Information
Event Contact:
Stella Kalfas
Contact Organization:
Mental Health Association of Greater Chicago (MHAGC)
Contact Description:
Email us at
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